Sunday Summary #2

001. I’ve been a bit quiet on the blogging front this week as I’ve been swamped with uni work. I’ve got a group presentation to do on Thursday, so my group & I have spent the week in the library getting it done.

002. I’ve also been a bit lazy and haven’t been to the gym much this week, so I’ll be kicking my ass back into gear and getting down the gym this week!
003. The boyfriend and I didn’t do much for Valentines day as were pretty poor, but he did cook me a lovely dinner, and bought me a Babylis Waving Wand, so I’ve been trying that out.
004. I’m starting to get a bit bored of my hair. It’s been red for ages now, and hasn’t been cut forever. I’m thinking of doing something different with it, maybe going a different colour. I’m not sure what do you guys think?
005. I had a great weekend with the house mates watching films and having a drink or two, and today we went bowling, which was a great laugh as I haven’t been in years! I also managed to win my boyfriend an Angry Bird toy off one of those grabbing machine things in the arcade!
006. I haven’t got much planned for the week, mainly uni work, but next weekend I’m going home for a whole week so I’m pretty excited as I haven’t been home in what feels like forever!

Hope you’ve all had a good week!


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