
Coldpress Veg Juices

I’m currently on bit of a health kick where I’m just generally trying to eat a lot healthier, drink more water, and be a little more active. I’ve been doing this for a little while now and I’m really starting to feel better, I’ve even managed to control my diet coke habit, and I haven’t…

beanies instant coffee

Beanies Instant Coffee

I’m usually much more of a tea drinker than a coffee drinker, unless its a flavoured coffee. I’m a big fan of Costa and Starbucks’s flavoured lattes, especially when they’ve got their Christmas ranges out this time of year. Only problem with them is when you think about the amount of milk, and flavoured syrup…

Afternoon Tea At Moggerhanger Park

A few months ago way back in July during the middle of a heatwave, my friend Gemma invited me out for afternoon tea at Moggerhanger Park. She wrote this amazing blog post on the experience, and because I’m a terrible person who can’t write about things after they’ve recently happened, I’m writing about the whole experience now, in October….

The Snug Hitchin

I’ve always been a girl who loves her food, but recently I’ve had a much bigger interest in food, which you may have noticed on my little blog. Since I’ve moved out of my parents house I’ve been cooking a lot more, I’m still no Gordon Ramsay, but I’m enjoying experimenting. As well as cooking my…


Giving Up Chocolate

My name’s Lisa, and I’m a sugar addict. And I don’t mean your usual I love chocolate type, I mean I’m completely and utterly unable to function without it. You see for years and years now I’ve been abusing my poor body, having had comfort ate for years, along with having a Mcjob for 5…

Pho Cambridge

A few weeks ago now I met up with a few of my Cambridge friends Laura and Pippa, as well as meeting Sophie for the first time. The original plan was for a few of us Camb Meetup girls to meet up and go for lunch, but a few people dropped out so it ended up just being us four. Despite there only…


Ideal Home Show 2016

Since I bought my little flat last year I’ve had a little obsession with all things interior design. The minute we started looking for our own place I started annoying Chris with clippings from home magazines, and by the time the sale had gone through, I had a whole Pinterest board full of ideas of…