I can’t believe Christmas is over already, that seemed to come and go so quickly! I had a lovely quiet Christmas this year at my other halves parents, and a lot of food was consumed! I love being nosey at what other people got for Christmas, and if you’re one of those people too why…
A health-conscious 48% of Scots are now trying alcohol-free beer, leading the way above a national average of 43%. Scotland has long been famous for her pubs. With numerous tours and websites dedicated to the pubs of the remarkable cities, it is no surprise that many enjoy meeting for a pint as a pleasurable past…
Hello, it’s been a little while hasn’t it? I took a little unexpected blogging break over the past week, mostly because I’ve been so busy I’ve not had a chance to turn my laptop on, let alone write a post. I was pretty busy and even forgot to write last week’s weekly update, but the past week…
My other half is a huge coffee lover. He frequently brews coffee beans at the weekend, making our small little flat smell amazing. I’ve never been a huge coffee drinker, I like the occasional Starbucks or an instant coffee if I need an afternoon pick me up. However, you can really taste the difference between…
If you’ve been following me on my social accounts lately you might have seen that I’m on bit of a weightloss mission. My weight has been something that’s been an issue for me for a long time now. When I was a teenager I gained a lot of weight, mostly through making poor choices, and…
I love October, I think it’s one of my favourite months. It’s where everything starts feeling like autumn, and things start to get colder. Now that I have my own flat I can’t wait to start buying cosy blankets, and dare I say it, getting ready for Christmas! Similar to last month I’ve set myself…