2013 Resolutions… Did I Stick To Them?

Keep Your Resolutions in a Creative Way!
It’s been a while now since I started the Slip Into Summer challenge with DW Fitness and Weird Fish, so it’s about time I wrote a really overdue update post! To be honest I’ve been doing well with the challenge.. until two weeks ago. I had my birthday, then I had a few nights out, and then I pretty much…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.65″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] You may have noticed a slight lack in presence on my blog in the past month, and to be completely honest, I’ve just not felt like blogging. My blog was always something I set up as something to do in my spare time as a hobby, and I…
001. I love these type of posts so I’ve decided to start my own! And I’m going to try and keep it up every week. Although excuse the rubbish webcam photo, I forgot to charge my camera before I did this! 002. This past week has been rather uneventful, although it was a friend of…
If redecorating was one of your New Year resolutions, you’ve picked a great time. More than ever, we have access to wealth of ideas that can inspire our own interior design choices. Whether you’re active on sites like Pinterest or Tumblr, or simply exploring various designs on a blog, home designers are able to convey…
Who loves giving presents? Me! I think Christmas is my favourite time of the year just to be able to give presents. I love nothing more than working out who I’m going to buy for, what to get them, and then finding fun creative ways to wrap them. But with Christmas still a good 8…
Who loves a good chance to meet up with other bloggers and spend the day shopping and talking about bloggy things? I’ve loved meeting other bloggers, so I’m excited to be helping out Sophia from Tattooed Tea Lady to arrange a London meetup in April! When? Monday 15th April What Time? 3.30pm – 7.30pm Where? Meet at Covent Garden Tube…