Current Favourite Hair Care Products

Recently The Body Shop has brought out a new range; the Fuji Green Tea range. I don’t usually get that excited about The Body Shop’s new scent ranges, but this one really appealed to me. I’m a huge green tea fan, I drink about 8 cups a day of the stuff, and I just love…
Once upon a time I became obsessed with beauty samples. I remember when I was around 15 I discovered you could order perfume samples on the Internet. I then spent months ordering sample after sample after sample. 6 years later I’m still obsessed with samples. If I see a freebie in a magazine, I’m there,…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.65″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] I was really excited when I first heard that JolieBox had teamed up with Birchbox as I’ve watched many an American YouTuber showing off their monthly Birchboxes, wish that we had it here in the UK. So when She Said Beauty said they were stopping their monthly boxes…
A brand I hear a lot of positive things about is The Bluebeards Revenge. I’ve seen numerous male bloggers raving about their products recently, and it’s a brand I want to explore for my other half. Not being the expert in men’s grooming, I don’t know much about their products. But I have seen many…
I originally planned to put all of my favourite products of 2013 into one big blog post. However when planning and taking photographs I realised there was just far too many products to include so decided to break it down into a mini series. I wanted to start off with hair products as this is…
Soap & Glory are one of my favourite brands. For years now I’ve been browsing the range in Boots, and trying out several of their prodcuts. I don’t know if its the cute pink packaging or the scent, but I just love Soap & Glory. A couple of months back I wrote about my love…