Happy New Year!

I’m now into the third month of my Slip Into Summer challenge with DW Fitness and Weird Fish, it’s scary how quickly this has gone! Now that we’re in month three everything’s stepped up a game. The workouts are harder, and the diet is stricter, and as it’s the last month of the challenge I’m really hoping to see some…
I originally planned to put all of my favourite products of 2013 into one big blog post. However when planning and taking photographs I realised there was just far too many products to include so decided to break it down into a mini series. I wanted to start off with hair products as this is…
I’ve never really been one for skincare, having always kept my skincare routine very very simple only using face wash. But since discovering Superdrug’s Vitamin E Hot Cloth Cleanser a month ago I’ve seen such an amazing difference in my skin. I’ve been using it as a permanent part of my skincare routine and the results have…
I’ve been thinking a lot about moving out lately, and especially how me and my other half have been together a very long time now and want to move on with our lives. We’re currently living with my parents, and to be honest we’re quite happy at the moment, we just don’t have a lot…
Woah September, where did you crop up from? I guess I should now give up all hope of seeing a summer appearing now, but on the plus side it means autumn is popping up any day now. Bring on the days of hot chocolate, blankets and cosy evenings in. Recently as each new month arrives…
As I mentioned on my blog post yesterday there’ll be a new feature on my blog. I’ve found I’m spending a ridiculous amount of money on makeup, and loads of it is going unloved and unused. So now I’ve decided that every week I’m going to mix my makeup up to ensure I use ALL of my makeup and it…