
You may have noticed that in the past that all of my nail varnish choices have been around the grey/beige/taupe variety, but now the suns starting to come out, I’m in the mood to wear bolder brighter colours. In my Recent Beauty Buys post I mentioned that I bought one of Rimmel London’s Rita Ora nail varnishes in the…
It’s been forever since I’ve done a monthly favourites post, this year it just going by so quickly I can hardly keep up with the months going past! May has been a fairly busy month, so I completely forgot to take note of what products have been this months favourites, so this is more of…
I bought Models Own ‘Smash Up Silver’ a good month or so ago and I haven’t got round to reviewing it yet! O silly me! Since I discovered Barry M’s nail effects a few months back, I was hooked. I loved experimenting with the black over different colours, and being amazed at the outcome. Soon later Barry…
Hygiene Practise A regular hygiene routine is crucial to keeping your teeth clean and white after treatment. Here is a list of habits that should be in your cleaning regime: Protect Your Teeth Protecting your teeth after treatment is key to keeping them as white as possible. You don’t have to be worried or anxious about damage,…
Soap & Glory is a brand I often rave about here, in fact I don’t think I’ve ever written anything negative about them. All their products smell amazing, most of them are pink, and I love the witty vintagey packaging. I’m addicted to their products and I’m pretty sure that everything I’ve tried from Soap…
Nail varnish is something that’s regularly featured on this blog. And I’ll have to admit, I’m an addict to the stuff. In fact a while a go I had around 70 bottles of the stuff, crazy right. Recently I decided that yes I did own to many nail polishes and made my collection smaller, giving…