Origins No Puffery Roll On

I was so gutted when I missed out on the British Beauty Blogger Edit Box made by none other than Jane the British Beauty Blogger herself. I was so annoyed at myself for not staying up to date with blogging world as this is something that I would have loved to get my hands on….
A while ago I never understood why anyone would pay around the £20/30 mark for a foundation. I just didn’t understand why you’d spend so much money on a foundation when you can buy a ‘drugstore’ version for around the £10 mark. I thought surely they can’t provide that much more coverage, or make my…
Since I was Eleven I’ve always had troubles with my skin, I used to have terrible acne and my skin is always looking a bit meh. I always thought that one day my skin would grow out of it’s ‘awkward teenage phase’, and although the majority of my acne cleared, I was still left with…
Now it’s February everyone’s focus has switched from getting fit and being healthy, to all things Valentine’s Day. I find that Valentine’s Day gifts can often get a little samey, with the usual chocolates and flowers still proving to be popular. Although this year I’ve spotted a couple of different gifts, and thought I’d share them with you in case…
[button link=”” type=”big” color=”pink” newwindow=”yes”] Get Your Christian Dior Skin Star Studio Spectacular Brightening SPF 30 Makeup on Amazon Now![/button] Lately I’ve become somewhat of a foundation snob, sticking to high end foundations over choices on the highstreet. I never used to mind highstreet foundations, always picking the lightest shade for my skin, but it…
Mothers Day seems to have just snuck up on me this year, it seems like only the other day I was writing Christmas related posts, and here we are in the middle of March! With the days just seeming to fly by I’ve been a little distracted on upcoming events and birthdays, and before I…