Real Techniques Blush Brush

Mothers Day is a special day to treat your mums and to show them how special they are. I always like to show my mum how much she’s appreciated, but this year is extra special, 5 months ago mum had her stroke, and we’re all amazed with her progress. After giving us all such a horrible…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] On the 14th May I turned 20! I decided to stay at uni for my birthday, and as it was a Saturday my parents and brother were able to come up and visit me for the day. My birthday started bright and early with me waking up my flat mates and my…
Now we have much darker days it’s pretty certain that we’re in the Autumn/Winter months. And when it becomes Autumn/Winter I tend to go towards more ‘seasonal’ shades. And one in particular is my love of dark red shades. Recently I took part in a blog swap where I recieved a dark red nail varnish in the…
The Ojon Rare Blend Oil is something I’ve heard about in the blogosphere for the longest time. It’s been on my wishlist for well over a year now but even though I’m a self confessed hair oil lover, I just couldn’t see myself parting with £30 for one. It wasn’t until my boyfriend’s parents gave…
I’m now 14 days into my 100 Day Spending Ban Challenge, so how am I getting on? Well this week I may have slipped up a bit.. After deciding that my hair looks a little worse for wear at the moment I decided to give in and buy a couple of things. I then found myself…
Until about a month ago, I was a fake tan virgin. I’d never used the stuff and I was living in my pale little world. Since getting advice off all you lovely’s on Twitter I decided to give fake tan a go. Well I say fake tan, but I’ve only actually used gradual tanning moisturisers…