The Body Shop Fuji Green Tea Bath Tea

It’s no secret that I’m a complete nail varnish addict. I have a stacks of boxes full of polishes under my dressing table, but still I find myself looking for more. Recently Chemist Direct contacted me asking if I wanted to try out a few nail varnishes from Paul’s Boutique, and of course I was interested in…
One thing you won’t find much about on this blog is about blushers. I’ve never been blushers biggest fan, and it’s only about 3 years ago I even started wearing them. My worry is because I’m really pale, most colours look really obvious on me, and I prefer blusher that’s a little more subtle that…
You’ll have seen on my blog in the past week I’ve been working on my Best Of 2013 series starting with my favourite Hair Products and Skin Care Products, and now it’s time to move on to my favourite body products. Body products are something that I don’t have a load of, as I tend to stick…
Since cutting off my long hair three years ago I’ve desperately been trying to grow it back. Every time I feel like my hair is starting to grow and get to reasonable length, my hairdresser decides I need inches taken off to ‘help it grow’, I feel like I’m fighting a loosing battle. I now haven’t cut…
Hello lovelies! It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve blogged – in fact a whole 2 weeks! I know I’ve been a bad blogger and haven’t done any decent posts in what feels like forever, but please bear with me! Since moving back to university it has somewhat taken over my life. I’m in…
It’s only been in the last year that I’ve really got into perfume. In the past I used to maybe get a gift set for my birthday or Christmas, and that would keep me going until I got the next gift set. Before that I used to live off Charlie or So…? body sprays in…