Spot Solutions

Since cutting off my long hair three years ago I’ve desperately been trying to grow it back. Every time I feel like my hair is starting to grow and get to reasonable length, my hairdresser decides I need inches taken off to ‘help it grow’, I feel like I’m fighting a loosing battle. I now haven’t cut…
During the summer months I was a big fan of CC Creams. I spent months searching to find the perfect one, and wore them constantly instead of my foundations. Now the weather is a little cooler I’ve found I don’t need CC Creams just for the lighter feeling and the SPF protection, but for the…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] A while a go Danni posted on her blog about the chance to join in with her Nail Art Weekly Project and of course I jumped at the chance to join in. I love playing with nail varnish, and although I’m not that great with nail art, I thought it would be a fun…
Recently my skin has been looking a little ‘meh’. It’s been looking dull, dry, and I’m getting quite an outbreak of spots. I’ve never had amazing skin, and it’s never seemed to grow out of it’s teenage spot phase. But it’s been looking even more worse for wear recently. So I decided it was…
Hello lovelies! It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve blogged – in fact a whole 2 weeks! I know I’ve been a bad blogger and haven’t done any decent posts in what feels like forever, but please bear with me! Since moving back to university it has somewhat taken over my life. I’m in…
After Sundays #bbloggers on the discussion of storage, I’ve seen and heard great things about how you other bloggers store your make-up etc. Since then I’ve changed my make-up storage around, so I thought I’d show you all some pictures of my storage. I recently bought these multi-drawers from WHSmith, which I keep all…