I recently ordered some jewelry off Jess’s blog shop and I was very excited when I got home late last night from my trip up to Newcastle to see this parcel waiting for me! When I opened it up I was so happy to see my items wrapped up in this gorgeous paper.
Jess also wrote me this letter after she saw on Twitter that I liked handwritten letters – I was so touched that she’d remembered this. And I thought it made my order that little more personal than just ordering off any other website. She also included a joke we’d had on Twitter the other week so it made me chuckle a little.
I’ve had my eye on a lot of her jewelry since I’ve been following her blog, and I decided to treat myself to a couple of rings as Jess told me hers were extendable, and I always struggle to find rings for my fat fingers (and also a sneaky pair of earnings – hence the blog title rings & things!). If I had the money I’d probably be ordering everything off her shop, she has some truly gorgeous stuff! However I don’t have a lot of money so I limited myself to the £10 mark. I just love her stuff so much I thought I’d share with you what I got.
Everything I got all together
Sweet Heart Ring – Kiss Me
Vintage Button Ring
Black Cameo Ring
Black Cameo Earrings – I couldn’t resist after I decided to get the ring, I had to have a matching set!
And I was lucky that when I placed my order Jess was giving away a free item if you ordered over £10 and I was pretty excited when I saw I got this.
Scrabble Ring
I’m absolutely in love with all of Jess’s jewelry here. I’m so glad I bought these rings, especially as their extendable – finally I can wear fashionable vintage rings for my fat fingers! If you haven’t already go take a look at Jess’s blog shop. She really does have some gorgeous stuff!
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] Over the last couple of months there’s been some great freebies attached to my favourite magazines. And again this month isn’t any different! As I was in the shop to buy my monthly magazines last week, I saw that two of my favourites had some brilliant freebies yet again! Here’s what…
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First of all a big big big big thankyou to all of my followers, as I have now hit the big 5-0! 50 followers! I’m completely over the moon about this as when I started this blog back in April I never thought I’d get any followers, or keep up with blogging to even get…
It’s that time of year where we start to crave a holiday. If you’re lucky enough to have already booked your next getaway, you’ve probably already turned your attention to swimwear. From bikinis to swimsuits, there’s so many styles, designs and prints to choose from. To help you select the best option for your shape,…
This is Marley. He used to live in a cat shelter, because one day his owner decided to move house and leave him and several other cats behind. Luckily for Marley, his neighbour had realised this and arranged for local shelters to try and find homes for Marley and his furry friends. This is where…
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