Money - Gold coins

5 Things To Do Under A Fiver

A fiver doesn’t seem to get you anywhere these days on the surface of things, and yet you’d be surprised at just how far it can actually go when you really put your imagination to it! Here are five things you can do for less than a fiver. Online Slots/Pokies Playing games online isn’t something I’d have…


Coldpress Veg Juices

I’m currently on bit of a health kick where I’m just generally trying to eat a lot healthier, drink more water, and be a little more active. I’ve been doing this for a little while now and I’m really starting to feel better, I’ve even managed to control my diet coke habit, and I haven’t…

September Goals Revisited

At the beginning of the month I decided to set myself some goals, as it was something I hadn’t done for a while, and maybe it would help me to actually stick to something! Now that September has been and gone, I thought I’d catch up on how I did on my goals. get back to the gym…

Travel Annoyances*

It’s been quite a while since my last holiday, and the last time I went on a plane was way over 5 years ago now. But prior to then I was a well seasoned traveler of sorts. Before I went to university and became really poor, I’ve been on some great holidays with my family, including holidays…

Two Years After Stroke

The 12th October 2014 is a date I’m always going to remember, for one of the worst reasons. Two years ago today, my mum had a stroke, caused by a nasal spray, although at the time I didn’t really know that’s what was happening. For a week before hand my mum had been having a migraine,…

gocustomized review

I’m one of those annoying people who always has their phone with them and has to check it every five minutes. Why? Who knows. Maybe I’m worried someone might need to urgently contact me, or I might miss a really hilarious tweet someone’s done if I don’t refresh my feed 400 times. I used to always have really bad luck with…

Hunterian Museum

I love museums. I think it goes back to when I was a child and my dad would sometimes take me and my brother to London museums as a great day out. I’ve been to the science and history museums so many times now, but still love going for a day out to them. As…

Quitting Sugar Update #2

It’s been a little while since I last wrote about how I was quitting sugar, hasn’t it? Since my last update, I’ve completed another two weeks of the program and have now moved onto my fourth week of the challenge. Who would have thought I’d stuck with it for this long hey?! At the start of my…