Saving Money With Bulk Cleaning Products

This is a slightly different post than usual, I guess more of a rant than anything. I’ve seen a lot of negative views written across Twitter in the past few weeks about blogging that’s made me question it a lot. I started out my blog back in April because I enjoyed reading beauty blogs, and…
Life has been very busy lately with the run up to Christmas and a very busy day job, so the blog has got a bit neglected, and luckily for me Laura came about just at the right time offering me a guest post! Laura writes at six out of ten, an online lifestyle and travel magazine for…
Now that I’m 24, and nearly a homeowner I’ve started thinking a little bit more about my money. I used to when I got paid just buy everything I could, and spend my money as quickly as I could. Why? Who knows. I mean the money wasn’t going anywhere so why did I feel the…
At the beginning of October I blogged about my goals for the month. Since then October seems to have completely whizzed by, and now it’s November I can completely focus on all things Christmas! While I’ve been really busy this past month, I’ve completely forgotten what I set out to achieve in October, so now’s a good a time as…
Now that it’s June and the sun is finally starting to come out, I’ve been thinking a lot about summer holidays. Being able to pack up a suitcase and jet off to somewhere lovely for a week is always the best feeling. It’s a great way to relax, and recharge your batteries. This year I…
A few weeks ago Chris and I had an offer accepted on a flat we were really interested in. We were so happy once it was accepted and now it looks like everything is go on our new flat now. With our mortgage offer confirmed and solicitors in place it’s all starting to move very…