You Are Not Alone 2015
On Friday evening I attended the Herts Bloggers Xmas Party at Pizza Express in St Albans organised by the lovely Sarah and Scarlett. I love blogger meet ups and events, especially as it gives you the chance to meet fellow bloggers, have a chat and really get to know the blogger behind the blog. Of course this one…
001. I’ve been a bit quiet on the blogging front this week as I’ve been swamped with uni work. I’ve got a group presentation to do on Thursday, so my group & I have spent the week in the library getting it done. 002. I’ve also been a bit lazy and haven’t been to the…
Another week has just flown past, and what a busy one it’s been! It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting down on my Sunday morning (usually still in my pajamas, hey it’s Sunday) to type up my weekly update, and here I am again writing this week’s one. Last week I wrote all about my new…
001. I love these type of posts so I’ve decided to start my own! And I’m going to try and keep it up every week. Although excuse the rubbish webcam photo, I forgot to charge my camera before I did this! 002. This past week has been rather uneventful, although it was a friend of…
So today is Valentines Day, or as others like to call it, Single Awareness day. Although I’ve spent the past couple of years in a relationship on Valentines Day, me and my partner have never made a big deal out of it. I’ve never been one for flowers, chocolates and all things heart shaped on…
With Mothers Day coming up I’ve been thinking a lot lately on why I’m thankful for my mum. My mumma is one hell of an amazing woman for many reasons. She’s always been there to help and support me, helped me out when I realised I’d made the wrong choices with my A-levels, and encouraged…