Review //*
*Post In Collaboration with Nutmeg
*Post In Collaboration with Nutmeg
I’m a huge lover of Pimms. Come sunny days there’s nothing more I want than to sit out in the garden with a large chilled glass of the stuff. However now I’m on Weight Watchers I’m more conscious of how many pro points things have, and alcohol especially is awful for pro points. Recently my mum’s friend shared with a…
So if you weren’t aware, I turned the grand age of 21 on the 14th May (at 5.11am if we’re going to be exact…). My birthday sort of spread out over many days this year, with the Saturday before (12th) having a night out with the uni friends, and a surprise visit from my best…
Since I bought my little flat last year I’ve had a little obsession with all things interior design. The minute we started looking for our own place I started annoying Chris with clippings from home magazines, and by the time the sale had gone through, I had a whole Pinterest board full of ideas of…
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about diet pills questioning whether they worked or not, which you can read here. The diet pills in question were the Turboslim Chronoactiv pills, with the idea being you take one pill in the morning, and one at night for two weeks. If you read my original post you’ll…
At the beginning of the month I decided to set myself some goals, as it was something I hadn’t done for a while, and maybe it would help me to actually stick to something! Now that September has been and gone, I thought I’d catch up on how I did on my goals. get back to the gym…
I love museums. I think it goes back to when I was a child and my dad would sometimes take me and my brother to London museums as a great day out. I’ve been to the science and history museums so many times now, but still love going for a day out to them. As…