Last Minute Valentine’s Gifts

So everyone does their #ff’s on a Friday on Twitter but I thought I’d start writing about my favourite bloggers/vloggers every Friday as well. I love hearing other peoples blog recommendations, and I’ve found some great blogs that way, so I thought I’d share my current favourite with you. 1. Lucyy Writes It’s Lucyy’s fault I…
Christmas is my ultimate favourite time of the year! I love nothing more than giving presents to others and seeing how happy they are to receive them. Christmas is a time for family and spending the day with your loved ones, and this year I’m travelling the 300 miles up north to spend the festive season with…
001. I’ve been a bit quiet on the blogging front this week as I’ve been swamped with uni work. I’ve got a group presentation to do on Thursday, so my group & I have spent the week in the library getting it done. 002. I’ve also been a bit lazy and haven’t been to the…
A couple of weeks ago I talked about how I was attempting to give up sugar for 6 weeks, I’m now over halfway through my 6 week sugar detox programme from Happy Sugar Habits, and I thought I’d update on how I’m doing. I mentioned in my original post that my relationship with sugar is awful, before I…
I recently saw this post on Jess’s blog, and thought I’d give it a go myself! Jess tagged anyone who was reading so thought I’d try it out, and I too tag anyone who’s reading, so give it ago! Make Up Blusher or Bronzer – I don’t really use either, but I guess blusher…
It’s been forever since I’ve done a Sunday Summary post, well in fact it’s been forever since I’ve been blogging properly. But I’m trying to get back into the swing of things, so here it goes! 001. I finished my second year of uni. Crazy! It’s been insane how quickly this year has gone, and…