Scotland’s New Drinkers – Going Alcohol-Free

A health-conscious 48% of Scots are now trying alcohol-free beer, leading the way above a national average of 43%.

Scotland has long been famous for her pubs. With numerous tours and websites dedicated to the pubs of the remarkable cities, it is no surprise that many enjoy meeting for a pint as a pleasurable past time.

I remember Billy Connolly advertising Kaliber many years ago, but despite Billy’s fulsome approval, the idea never really seemed to catch on.

New figures released this week, however, show that this is no longer so.

“Offering consumers choice is an important part of AB InBev UK’s commitment to responsible drinking”, stated Jennifer Anton, Marketing Manager for market leading alcohol-free beer, when asked about these somewhat surprising results.

Shop sales of alcohol-free beer have seen a rise this year of 10%, a pleasing reflection of a rise in conscientious drinking.

The recent findings of a ComRes survey for AB InBev UK show that the story of Scotland is part of a broader narrative for the UK, where 49% of adults now deem alcohol-free beer to be socially acceptable.

And the fact that 43% of Brits (and 54% of British men) have tried it shows many are taking a page out of the Scottish book.

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