Best Of 2013 Bloggers

I’m now four weeks into my spending ban, and although I’m rubbish at writing updates on it I’m pleased to say I’m sticking to it! Not one beauty product, peice of clothing, or something else I don’t need has been bought for a whole 28 days now. For someone who’s terrible with money and her spending…
Last week I posted my first Christmas Gift Guide For Men, now it’s time to write one on gifts for women! I always find it a lot easier to find Christmas presents for women, mostly because all my friends seem to like the same things as me, which is handy when it comes to buying gifts!…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.65″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] You may have noticed a slight lack in presence on my blog in the past month, and to be completely honest, I’ve just not felt like blogging. My blog was always something I set up as something to do in my spare time as a hobby, and I…
There’s no denying it but every blogger probably owns the real technique brushes. Since these came out in Boots stores last year everyone has gone mental over them. I purchased mine back in July and since I bought them its changed how I do my make up. Once upon a time I used to apply…
Woah September, where did you crop up from? I guess I should now give up all hope of seeing a summer appearing now, but on the plus side it means autumn is popping up any day now. Bring on the days of hot chocolate, blankets and cosy evenings in. Recently as each new month arrives…
If you’ve been following me on my social accounts lately you might have seen that I’m on bit of a weightloss mission. My weight has been something that’s been an issue for me for a long time now. When I was a teenager I gained a lot of weight, mostly through making poor choices, and…