A Blonde Ambition

Protect Your Naturally Blonde or Bleach Hair!
Gosh there’s been so many good freebies around this month! Another one I’ve managed to get my hands on is Marie Claire, with a Inika eye shadow or eyeliner, I managed to get the eye shadow. The eye shadow comes out as a silver/purple/glittery kinda colour, which I love although I haven’t had much of…
I’m now 14 days into my 100 Day Spending Ban Challenge, so how am I getting on? Well this week I may have slipped up a bit.. After deciding that my hair looks a little worse for wear at the moment I decided to give in and buy a couple of things. I then found myself…
Pretty polka dotted nails to echo that retro game Retro seems to be making a comeback. The Telegraph reports that things that are obsolete like vinyl records, VHS tapes, and black-and-white photography are all finding places in the modern world. It seems, however, that nothing is being revived quite as fast as retro fashion is. [button link=”http://geni.us/ab2p”…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.65″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] I love a bit of a pamper session of a weekend. I pick out all of my favourite beauty products and spend the evening having a bath, giving myself a good pamper, and ending the evening watching one of my favourite films. I love spending time in the…
Recently I blogged about how I wanted my hair to be in a better condition. After years of dying it and using heat, my hair is in a pretty terrible condition. I’m desperate for my hair to grow, and a friend told me my hair has no chance of growing if I continue to abuse…
I’ve never really been a fan of using sponges in the shower, I’ve always found them to be scratchy and irritating on my skin, and the sponges themselves always seem to go out of shape and grow mouldy. So when I was contacted by The Sponge Market I was a bit hesitant about using their sponges. But I was…