100 Day Spending Ban Challenge – Week #1
Okay confession time, I’m a Coronation Street addict. Without fail I watch it every week, and I often spend my time looking up storyline spoilers. I’m sad I know. I’ve inherited my love of Corrie from my mum, who would always be watching it when I was younger, although it wasn’t until my university days that I started…
That’s right I’m getting quite into this videoing myself lark! So I have another video for you lovely’s. I did a blog post a while back on my favourite summer nail polishes which you can see here if you missed it. So I thought I’d show you all again in video form! Seriously youtube why…
Hi Lovely’s! I’ve got another video for you! Yes I’m on quite a roll with this youtube lark! Ugh why youtube why?! (I’m going to give up complaining about my youtube stills soon I promise) Anyway this ones about hair and its quite a long one! Gosh I can’t half ramble on about…
It’s now the time of year to start thinking about Christmas presents! Christmas shopping is probably one of my favourite things to do, but trying to work out what to buy everyone can be a huge faff sometimes! This year Vaseline have some lovely Christmas gifts available. The Vaseline Rosy Lip Pouch Gift Pack contains a Vaseline…
I was tagged by the lovely Clare from A Bit Of This And That in her skincare tag and I thought it would be fun to give it a go. I’ve got into skin care over the past year, but I’m still learning a lot about how to look after my skin. I like tags like…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] A while a go Danni posted on her blog about the chance to join in with her Nail Art Weekly Project and of course I jumped at the chance to join in. I love playing with nail varnish, and although I’m not that great with nail art, I thought it would be a fun…