100 Day Spending Ban Challenge – Week 3

I can’t believe its February already?! I swear the other day it was Christmas! Anyway, with the month of February comes Valentines Day, a day where you should spoil the special someone in your life. So apart from the usual soppy rubbish, what are you supposed to buy the other half for valentines day? This is where…
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by the lovely Michele from Oh! Organics asking if I’d like to review some of her products. I’ve always been intrested in the idea of organic skin care so I jumped at the chance. I must admit that until recently I’ve been very lazy with my skin care. And…
For years I’ve been using a lady shaver to shave my legs, mostly because I’m completely terrified of cutting myself with a razor. One time when I was 12 I tried to shave my legs with a razor and managed to cut myself, there was blood everywhere. Oh god it was terrible. So since then…
Every year I love being nosey on everyone’s blogs to see what they got for Christmas, and this year I decided to join in and share what I got so you can be equally as nosey ;). I had a rather lovely Christmas this year as my grandparents that I hardly get to see were…
Nail foils are something I’ve been wanting to try for absolutely ages so when I saw they were in my She Said Beauty Box, I was super excited. Nail foils have always intrigued me, I’ve never quite got my head around how to use them. They always looked a bit fiddily and difficult to apply, and I was…
I’ve been a fan of hair oils for a couple of years now. Since I discovered how the V05 Miracle Concentrate and Moroccanoil work wonders on my hair I’ve never stopped using them. I’ve got on so well with hair oil that I’m always looking out for other alternatives to try out to try and find the perfect one…