NOTD – Rimmel London Celebrity Bash

Recently I’ve been trying to get a little more adventurous with my nail art. If you look through my nail art posts you’ll see the majority are just some form of leopard print, nothing too creative. When it comes to nail art I’m bit a newbie, and some of the extravagant designs are a little scary to attempt. Back in the #JulyLondonMeetUp goody…
A while a go I never used to care about skin care. I would even go to bed wearing my make up. I know, I’ve broken the one main skin care rule! But in the past year I’ve become a bit of a skin care junkie. I’ve gone from having no skin care routine, to…
Clinique is a brand I’ve grown up and loved. My mum first bought me some of their skincare items when I was going through my bad teenage skin times, and since then I’ve always felt very loyal to the brand. Despite this I’ve never really used much of their makeup products, only trying out a…
My eyebrows were fairly neglected in my beauty routine over the past few years. I used to pluck them, but I never had any idea of how to shape them, and in fact they were often over-plucked, leaving me with hardly there eyebrows. It’s only really when I started to blog that I decided to…
When it comes to skin care I really think you’re getting what you pay for. Once upon a time I used to buy a £2 cleanser and moisturiser and expect it to work miracles on my skin, of course it never did. It was only when I discovered Origins Never A Dull Moment Cleanser that I realised…
The other day I had my alarm set for 7am and could be found refreshing my Twitter feed constantly from 6.45am. Why? Because Jane from British Beauty Blogger released the BBB Edit Box 2! I blogged back in August about how I loved the first one and I couldn’t wait until Jane brought out the…