November Favourites

A brand that constantly wins over my heart is Benefit. I just adore their products, packaging and quirky names. Most of their products work for me and don’t disappoint. One that I wanted to try for a long time is the They’re Real mascara, but at £19.50 I find it hard to justify the price tag…
Earlier this year I put myself on a spending ban in an attempt to save up to finally move out of my parents house. Over the years I’ve spent probably a horrifying amount of money on makeup and other beauty products, I dread to think just how much. After saving all my spare pennies I…
Perfume is always something that interests me, but I’ve never had the chance to use many of. I normally ask for a Marc Jacobs one for Christmas (last year it was Daisy), which will last me all year and then I get a new one for Christmas. However this year my Marc Jacob’s ran out around…
Since dying my hair red it’s been one of the things I’m asked about frequently. About how I managed to get it so red, what hair dye do I use, what products do I use to keep it red. I get asked about it so much, through the blog, and in real life, that I’m…
I love the end of the month, seeing everyone’s monthly favourites, and seeing those of you who are subscribed to beauty box’s posts and videos. This monthly I was really excited, because after signing up to She Said Beauty a few weeks ago, I’m now able to join in. Hurrah! I’ve always loved the idea…
For me, one of the best things about the summer is all the events and special occasions that take place. From weddings and summer balls to christenings and parties, there are just so many things to attend during the summer. However, while I love attending summer events, I always used to struggle when it came…