Posts I’ve Enjoyed In January

Something I really like is lovely smelling shower gels. hand washes and moisturisers. I just love using them, and being able to smell it ages later. So when I spotted this in Boots, I couldn’t resist. I’ve been a fan of the I Love… range for ages, and I’m slowing working my way through trying…
I thought I’d do a ‘Whats in my bag’ post because I love reading these! It’s so interesting to see what other people carry around in their bags with them. The bag in question is a new one of mine. I bought it the other day from New Look for £24.99. I really…
I’ve been bit of a naughty blogger this month, and I forgot to keep track of my monthly favourites! Normally I got everything down in my notebook over the month, but this past month I’ve been rather lazy on the blog. I’ve been working full time and my random hours have been tiring me out!…
I’ve never really been one for Valentines Day, and I never really have big plans for it. But the weather is starting to lighten up, and so is my makeup. Despite no big Valentines Day plans this year I’ve come up with a makeup look to mark the occasion. To start with I’m using my Bourjois…
Hello everyone! I know I’ve been bit bad on the blogging/youtube front lately and I thought I should update you all on a couple of things going on in my life currently. Since coming back to university I’ve been struggling to find the time to blog/make videos. And now with it getting darker so…
I’ve been a little behind in blogging world recently but a few weeks ago I attended a bloggers tea party hosted by Aqua PR, Ajala Spa, and Sranrom at St Paul’s Grange Hotel with my good blogging friend Louise. I loved the idea of a tea party, and find myself to be bit of a tea…