If you follow my blog under a close microscope you may have noticed the increase of mentions of skin care products recently. Lately I’ve learnt the benefits of a proper skincare routine and I’m starting to invest in more high end skin care products. I never used used to believe that high end skin care could be worth the money, I always thought that there would be a cheap alternative that would do the exact same job. It’s only when I started investing in Origins products that I saw a difference in my skin compared to high street alternatives that I decided that maybe skin care was worth spending the money on.
REN was always a brand I’d heard good things about, and has been high up on my wish list of brands to try out, but when it came to buying something from REN, I had no idea where to start. I then spoke to one of my friends, and REN addicts, who luckily for me had the same skin type as me and so told me about the products that have helped her out. One product that she raved about was the REN Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask, saying that her skin had never looked better since using this. I was rather hesitant to get my hands on this face mask because for the £30 price tag, I wasn’t sure if it would be the answer to my skins prayers, but my friend reassured me it would help. So feeling £30 lighter I decided to give the REN Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask a go.
Face masks are probably one of my favourite skin care products to use. They feel like a great treat after a long day, and really help out skin if it’s been feeling a little a dull. So when my REN order turned up I was pretty excited to try out my new face mask straight away. I normally stick to cleansing or exfoliating face masks so I hadn’t tried one like this before and didn’t really know what to expect. This REN Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask is designed to renew the complexion, reduce the appearance of fine lines and dramatically improve skin tone. Now I can’t really say if it’s reduced the appearance of fine lines, as at 22 I don’t really have any, but it has improved my skin tone. From the the moment I first used this I noticed a difference straight away, my skin looked amazing. Like I’d had 9 hours sleep and had been eating amazingly healthy for weeks. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my skin look this good.
This face mask is super easy to use, but you should only leave it on for 10 minutes so if you’re the sort of person who likes to leave on face masks for hours this isn’t for you. It’s also not recommenced to use for people who have sensitive skin. But if you don’t fall into that bracket I would highly recommend picking this up! I now use this about twice a week and I’ve seen a huge difference in how my skin looks. So from my first trial of REN products I’m impressed. You’ve made it into my good books REN.
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by the lovely Michele from Oh! Organics asking if I’d like to review some of her products. I’ve always been intrested in the idea of organic skin care so I jumped at the chance. I must admit that until recently I’ve been very lazy with my skin care. And…
It’s no secret that I’m a bit of a beauty product junkie. My poor boyfriend has had to put up with countless drawers of products taking over our bedroom and bathroom, yet still I keep buying more. Why? Who knows. I’m terrible for being influenced by other bloggers, and if I see someone talking about…
Having been a makeup addict for years now, you’d think I’d be quite good at it by now right? Well to be honest there are so many parts of makeup application I’m rubbish at, contouring being one of them. For years I’ve been trying to master it, just giving myself dark dirty looking marks on…
I’ve recently become slightly obsessed with Barry M nail paints – I now have a collection of 13! And one of my favourite websites is the Barry M website. One of my favourite things to do on this is to look at nail paints and create wish lists of what to get next! I’ve just created myself a…
I love a good foundation, well who doesn’t? I can’t remember the last time I did my make up without using the stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t cake my face in the stuff, just a light covering around my face. I only use one brand of foundation – Rimmel London. After years of…
Today is my first day of my new job! I’m crazy excited to start, and because I’ve got a busy day ahead of me, I want my make up to last all day. Because I have no idea what today will bring I want to make sure my make up is simple, and will look…