She Said Beauty September Box & Video

Gentle yet effective ex foliating action zeros out blackheads thoroughly and painlessly and helps remove deep layers of dead skin.
When I first saw this in my box I didn’t really understand what it was, there was too much info that came with it and it really confused what the product was, a face wash. It’s by a brand I’ve never heard of, but everyone on the SSB website said good things about it, so I’m quite excited to try it out.
Collection Primed & Ready Smoothing Make-Up Primer –
The Collection Primed & Ready Smoothing Make-Up Primer preps the skin, providing a beautiful base for easier make-up application and ensures your make-up remains intact throughout the day.
When I could look at the ‘Sneak Peek’ on the SSB website this was probably the product I was most excited to receive. For ages now I’ve been thinking about how I need a primer, but I have no idea which one to buy. I’ve actually come close to buying this primer before so I’m happy I received it this month!
Collection Fix Me Up Long Lasting Make-Up Fixer –
For make-up that stays put, the Collection Fix Me Up Long Lasting Make-Up Fixer will secure your make-up in one misting motion. From the minute you’re made-up to the moment you dress down, you can remain the marvel of freshly applied foundation.
MAC Fix+ is something I’ve wanted to try for ages but can never afford it, so this is a good way to try out a fix spray. I’ve also come close to buying this before so I was quite happy with this.
DHC Deep Cleansing Oil –
This amazing cleanser from Japan thoroughly dissolves dirt, excess oil and colour cosmetics – even waterproof mascara – and other pore-cloggers ordinary cleansers leave behind, then rinses completely off with water, leaving your skin fresh, never greasy.
I’ve been bit of a skin care junkie recently, so to receive some decent skin care in this months box was quite exciting. I’ve got quite into oils too recently so this will be fun to try out. I’ve only used this once so far but I got on really well with this, so I may have discovered a new favourite product.
Amie Spring Clean Cooling Clay Mask –
A wonderful refreshing deep-cleansing mask that draws out deep-seated dirt and impurities while soaking up excess oil and helping prevent blemishes. Cools and refreshes, leaving skin feeling really clear, clean and smooth.
Who doesn’t like face masks? I thought this was a really good idea to include in a subscription box, especially a sample like this. I’ve not used a clay mask before so I’m looking forward to trying it out.
Popchips –
The one thing the SSB girls always reach for at snack time is our beloved Popchips! No frying or baking – just popping, means there’s only 46 calories in this little bag of goodness and we can’t get enough of them!
I also thought this was a great thing to include! They tasted just like Pombear crisps!
Overall Thoughts –
Once again I loved my box! It seemed to be the perfect box for me at the moment with my skin care junkie phase, and how I’ve needed a primer. I know this box might not have catered to everyone this month, but I thought it was great. I’m really looking forward to trying out the new skin care samples.And once again I’ve made a video for you guys about my box if you want to listen to my rambles :).
What did you think about this months box?