Christmas Gifts From Benecos

I’ve been meaning to do this post for a while now, but oops I’ve been neglecting my little blog lately! I promise I’ll try to get back into it! Also how is it now August?! Is it just me or is 2011 the fastest year yet? So here’s what products I’ve been enjoying in…
I don’t usually find myself wearing lipglosses, but lately I’ve got more and more into them. One in particular, Rimmel London Vinyl Gloss in Keep a Secret. I picked this up because I found myself standing in Boots looking at the make-up counters looking for a good lipgloss. I wasn’t having much luck and all…
A brand that constantly wins over my heart is Benefit. I just adore their products, packaging and quirky names. Most of their products work for me and don’t disappoint. One that I wanted to try for a long time is the They’re Real mascara, but at £19.50 I find it hard to justify the price tag…
Over the years I’ve found I’ve accumulated a whole pile of samples. Some are from past beauty boxes, some are from events, and some just seem to turn up from no where. I’m always excited to get a good sample, but often they just end up in my ‘sample box’ and I forget all about them. Lately I…
For years I’ve been using a lady shaver to shave my legs, mostly because I’m completely terrified of cutting myself with a razor. One time when I was 12 I tried to shave my legs with a razor and managed to cut myself, there was blood everywhere. Oh god it was terrible. So since then…
I keep finding myself sticking to a makeup routine. Despite the fact I have many products sitting in my Muji drawers I often find myself reaching for the same products day after day. I try to sometimes mix around the products I go for, but sometimes it’s nice to have a routine that only takes…