Why I’m Unimpressed With Shellac Nails

Recently in one of my Sunday Post’s I briefly mentioned the Naked Style Little Miracle Leave In Conditioner* (what a mouthful!). Recently I’ve been reaching for this product every day so I thought it deserved a blog post of its very own. Around a year a go I discovered leave-in conditioners, and since then I’ve tried a…
I was tagged by the lovely Clare from A Bit Of This And That in her skincare tag and I thought it would be fun to give it a go. I’ve got into skin care over the past year, but I’m still learning a lot about how to look after my skin. I like tags like…
Until about a month ago, I was a fake tan virgin. I’d never used the stuff and I was living in my pale little world. Since getting advice off all you lovely’s on Twitter I decided to give fake tan a go. Well I say fake tan, but I’ve only actually used gradual tanning moisturisers…
I never really got around to growing out of my teenage skin, and spots and breakouts are something I’ve always struggled with. I’m always on the hunt for something that can heal them up and get rid of them quickly. Something I heard raved about in the beauty world was Origins Super Spot Remover. It…
The Ojon Rare Blend Oil is something I’ve heard about in the blogosphere for the longest time. It’s been on my wishlist for well over a year now but even though I’m a self confessed hair oil lover, I just couldn’t see myself parting with £30 for one. It wasn’t until my boyfriend’s parents gave…
It’s only been in the last year that I’ve really got into perfume. In the past I used to maybe get a gift set for my birthday or Christmas, and that would keep me going until I got the next gift set. Before that I used to live off Charlie or So…? body sprays in…