A Foodies Guide To Italy

For today’s blog takeover I have my good friend Louise from Inspire Magazine talking about what she knows best, gigs! Enjoy! As you know, I am an avid gig goer. It’s gotten to the point where I’d much rather spend my Friday night in a grimy bar with sticky floors and overpriced beer, watching some obscure unknown…
In the past six months or so I’ve grown quite an obsession with scented candles. One of my favourite things to do of an evening is burn a nice smelling candle and sit in my room watching TV or reading through blogs – sad I know. I’ve now grown quite a collection of candles and…
Every year I make new years resolutions, with things I hope to stick to, and usually don’t. So this year I thought I’d try something different, and share what my wishes are for the year ahead. HomeLast year we moved into our flat in July, and still we haven’t finished decorating or getting it to…
001. I love these type of posts so I’ve decided to start my own! And I’m going to try and keep it up every week. Although excuse the rubbish webcam photo, I forgot to charge my camera before I did this! 002. This past week has been rather uneventful, although it was a friend of…
One thing I love about being a homeowner is that I can decorate however I like. If I feel like changing my whole bathroom, or want to put something up on the wall, I can do it. I’m quite glad I haven’t had much experience of renting, but from what experiences I’ve heard from my…
When it comes to cleaning products I’m certainly no expert, and I’m pretty sure my mum will agree. Although in my quest to try and become an adult I’m determined to try and become more tidier and organised, and keep things around me clean. One thing that really bugs me is seeing finger prints on…