Desk Makeover Challenge

How is it nearly the end of the year already? This year seems to have completely whizzed past, and I have no idea where it’s gone. So last year I made some new years resolutions, as I do every year and then immediately forget them all come March. Although I may have forgotten them, it’s nice to look back…
Over the past few years I’ve really been interested in crime and murder mystery, especially taking an interest in murder cases. A little morbid, I know. I’ve literally spent hours watching crime solving dramas, and I think I’m starting to become quite the expert. So when I was invited to a murder mystery evening to…
Although it’s been awhile since I’ve now finished education, a whole two years in fact, I a thought I’d share a great service that everyone should know about – Campus Book Rentals. Campus Book Rentals is the perfect service if you need several text books for your course, but really don’t want to spend the hundreds involved in the cost of buying them. Thinking…
The past week has been a crazy up and down ride for me. After three long years, I finally finished my degree and handed in my dissertation on Thursday. I can’t believe that I managed to write something this long, especially after all the hassles I had with it, but I did! University has been an up…
For the past couple of months I’ve been setting myself some monthly goals, and I’ve been doing quite well at sticking to them. As I’m getting on pretty well with them I thought I’d carry on and set myself a few for April. Lose 1 stoneI set myself this one last month as well, but…
I’ve never been the sort of person who’s believed that crash diets or diet pills will help you to lose weight. In my mind if you want to shed some serious weight it’s down to old fashioned healthy eating and exercise. But a while ago I received some diet pills in a beauty box (odd I know), and thought I’d…