Slip Into Summer – Update #2

As a reader of this blog, you should know by now I like cats right? Last year I adopted Jeff, and since then he featured on my blog quite a lot, and then earlier this year we met Victor, and another kitty was in our lives. My cats mean a lot to me, and it’s often joked that…
Excuse the Blink 182 reference but today is my 23rd birthday! 23 has always felt like an age I should have figured my life out by, like I should be a proper grown up adult. Although that’s not quite the case I’m still going to enjoy my birthday! Sadly I’m spending the day at work,…
One of my new years resolutions was to take the time to read more books. Reading is always something I’ve loved since a small child, and I’ve been bit of a book worm since. Although since I went to university I’ve slowed down a bit on the reading front. I think because I was having…
Christmas is meant to be a time of happiness and joy spent with families, but sadly for a lot of people that isn’t the case and it can be a very dark and lonely time. If you’ve come across this blog post are in need of someone to talk to this Christmas please pick up…
While we were looking to buy our flat we originally decided to buy two bedrooms, so then the second bedroom can be an office for Chris. While I can work away on my laptop sat on the sofa, Chris needs a dedicated working space, mostly because he can spend hours coding away on his pc,…
We all know about Valentines day, a day where men are meant to treat the women in their lives with gifts and chocolate, but I’ve never heard of an alternative for men. I was then told about an alternative that’s celebrated in Japan – White day. White day is a month after valentines day on…