The End Of No Spend September

I’ve always grown up in a house full of books, and I spent years when I was younger with my head stuck in a good book. I must have read hundreds of books when I was younger, but since my university days I’ve lost my passion for reading. I have a huge list of books…
Now that things are starting to move along rather quickly on the moving house front we’re now starting to think about how we’d like to decorate our new home. We’re putting off buying the big bits like sofa’s and dining tables until we’ve got a moving date, but at the moment we’ve been picking up…
Every year I sit down to write this post and think ‘bloody hell where has this year gone’, but bloody hell where has this year gone!?! 2014 hasn’t been too much of an exciting year, it started off with me finally getting a job since graduating which was exciting, but after 6 months I realised…
I can’t believe Christmas is over already, that seemed to come and go so quickly! I had a lovely quiet Christmas this year at my other halves parents, and a lot of food was consumed! I love being nosey at what other people got for Christmas, and if you’re one of those people too why…
Excuse the Blink 182 reference but today is my 23rd birthday! 23 has always felt like an age I should have figured my life out by, like I should be a proper grown up adult. Although that’s not quite the case I’m still going to enjoy my birthday! Sadly I’m spending the day at work,…
If you’ve been following me on my social accounts lately you might have seen that I’m on bit of a weightloss mission. My weight has been something that’s been an issue for me for a long time now. When I was a teenager I gained a lot of weight, mostly through making poor choices, and…