You Are Not Alone 2015
Do you often find yourself lusting over recent fashion trends but find that their usually far too expensive or completely out of your budget? Recent research from Travelex has shown that some fashion loving Brits head over to the Eurozone and even the Nordics, just to save money on the latest catwalk trends. Sounds crazy right? But…
Hygiene Practise A regular hygiene routine is crucial to keeping your teeth clean and white after treatment. Here is a list of habits that should be in your cleaning regime: Protect Your Teeth Protecting your teeth after treatment is key to keeping them as white as possible. You don’t have to be worried or anxious about damage,…
I love Christmas, and now it’s mid November, I’m so excited. Christmas is my favourite time of the year, I always feel so happy and appreciative of what I have. To start getting into the spirit I went to the first of many Christmas fairs at the weekend, and I’ve bought my own first Christmas decorations ready to…
This weekend I decided to take some time out and have a fairly quiet weekend. The past few weeks have been crazy busy, I recently went away on a trip up north with the other half to visit his parents. It was a really nice time away, and it was actually the most amount of…
It’s no secret that I love tea. At work I’m always that girl who’s constantly popping out to the kettle, and at home I’m constantly surrounded by empty mugs. Recently I’ve started drinking green tea as I heard its slightly healthier for you, but I find it tastes so bitter. I discovered a lot of…
I love October, I think it’s one of my favourite months. It’s where everything starts feeling like autumn, and things start to get colder. Now that I have my own flat I can’t wait to start buying cosy blankets, and dare I say it, getting ready for Christmas! Similar to last month I’ve set myself…