I’m now a whole 28 days into my spending ban! Only 72 more days to go, but hey who’s counting? This week was another one of those ‘fail weeks’, once again I found I saved no money towards my savings this week, and I spent some money. I started my job on Monday, and never having had a professional job before I don’t have a lot of ‘smart work type’ clothes. So on Friday I went into Primark to buy a few basic things to wear… and found myself coming out having spent £50, oops. I feel like I should be defending this spending, but it was still technically breaking my spending ban.
This week I also downloaded an app to my iPad to try and keep track of my spending. I put in everything that had come into and out of my account in January and was actually pretty shocked at how much I would spend for someone who didn’t have a job at the time. It’s definitely made me reevaluate what I spend my money on, especially as I spent a lot of money in Tesco’s buying crap it seems… Hopefully I’ll have a much better week this week and will start to actually make some savings!
See how I’ve got on in other weeks –