
I can’t believe it’s the end of January already, this month seems to have completely whizzed by hasn’t it? January is usually a quiet month, but this year it seems to have been packed full of stuff, with lots of trips out and visiting friends. I feel like I’ve hardly been in to sit down at the moment, and this week has been no different!

What started out as a quiet week with no plans, turned out to a week full of visiting friends with plans every night, which is pretty unusual for me as I usually sit and collapse on my sofa during the evenings in the week.  Recently one of my best friends has moved back home after being away for her job for nearly a year, so Friday night we went to the pub to celebrate her return. What originally planned to be a few quiet drinks, turned into pitchers of cocktails, and more drinks, and more. Oops, although nothing a long lie in Saturday morning couldn’t cure. 

Saturday was again a day that originally had no plans, but turned into quite a busy day. As a pay day treat I went to get my nails done, which is something I used to do a fair bit, but being on a tight budget these days isn’t something I can afford to do regularly. It was nice to treat myself for a change, and now I have some pretty shiny shellac nails to keep looking at. After that I went to visit my adopted Jamaican family with my parents who I hadn’t seen in ages. We spent the afternoon drinking tea, catching up, and playing with their 3 year old son who is already half the height of me! Then Saturday evening I had some friends round and I cooked dinner, a sweet potato curry and apple betty for pudding. It was again a lovely evening of catching up, laughter and delicious food (if I do say so myself!). That’s one thing I love about having my own place, I’ve got space to do my own cooking, and I love inviting people round for dinner. I’m actually getting quite good at this cooking lark!

Today will actually be the first quiet day I’ve had all week, and I plan on not leaving the flat or my sofa all day. How’s your week been?

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