Current Beauty Favourites

I’ve never really been one for Valentines Day, and I never really have big plans for it. But the weather is starting to lighten up, and so is my makeup. Despite no big Valentines Day plans this year I’ve come up with a makeup look to mark the occasion. To start with I’m using my Bourjois…
Today is the day that I start in the adult world of working! Now begins the days of early mornings, commuting and long days. Very similar to my Job Interview Makeup I want to make sure that my everyday makeup isn’t too over the top, but will last all day. I decided to start with one of my favourite…
Vivo is a brand that I’ve heard good things about but have only tried out a few of their products. I’m also a huge lover of neutral eyeshadows, browns, beige’s taupe’s you name it, and I’ll wear it. So when I saw this 12 shade eyeshadow palette in my #JulyLondonMeetUp Goody bag I was really excited to try it out….
It’s no secret that I’m a complete nail varnish addict. If you’ve been a reader of this blog since the beginning all you would have seen is hundreds of blog posts dedicated to nail varnish. I love nail varnish so much that I feel like a part of me is missing if I’m not wearing it, and god…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.65″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] I suffer from dry skin, and in colder months it becomes worse. One thing I’ve been reaching for during the colder months is The Body Shop’s Vitamin E Moisture Serum. I’ve mentioned before how much my skin loves vitamin E – it just does amazing things to my…
Recently The Body Shop has brought out a new range; the Fuji Green Tea range. I don’t usually get that excited about The Body Shop’s new scent ranges, but this one really appealed to me. I’m a huge green tea fan, I drink about 8 cups a day of the stuff, and I just love…