Current Everyday Make Up

So I’m now onto week six of my 100 day spending ban, and I’m now approaching the half way mark. As I mentioned last week I’m feeling a bit deflated with it all. Despite doing fairly well during my spending ban with not buying any beauty products, and getting myself a job, I’ve still not managed to…
I’ve mentioned it many many times before, my hair hates me. I’m such a horrible person to it, I dye it quite a lot, and use hair straighteners like everyday. So recently my hair has been looking really awful, its in a major need for some TLC. So I decided to give my hair a…
Hi Lovely’s! I’ve got another video for you! Yes I’m on quite a roll with this youtube lark! Ugh why youtube why?! (I’m going to give up complaining about my youtube stills soon I promise) Anyway this ones about hair and its quite a long one! Gosh I can’t half ramble on about…
A while ago when lip crayons came out I wasn’t too sure about them. I was mainly a lipstick person, and didn’t really think much about lip crayons. Fast forward a few months, and now I’m obsessed. It started off with a couple of MUA’s lip colours, they only cost me a couple of quid,…
If your a follower of my blog, you’ll have realised by now, I’ve become a recent Lush addict. I just can’t go in there at the moment without buying things! So of course on a recent trip to Lush, I didn’t come out empted handed. I went a bit bath bomb/bubble bar crazy, so I…
Hair is probably one of the most talked about subjects on my blog. And if you think I talk about it enough on the blog, you should see how many hair products I own. Seriously my bathroom is covered in bottles of the stuff, and I have a whole box of products in my room….