Current Everyday Make Up

There’s no denying it but every blogger probably owns the real technique brushes. Since these came out in Boots stores last year everyone has gone mental over them. I purchased mine back in July and since I bought them its changed how I do my make up. Once upon a time I used to apply…
During the summer months I was a big fan of CC Creams. I spent months searching to find the perfect one, and wore them constantly instead of my foundations. Now the weather is a little cooler I’ve found I don’t need CC Creams just for the lighter feeling and the SPF protection, but for the…
I’ve been a fan of hair oils for a couple of years now. Since I discovered how the V05 Miracle Concentrate and Moroccanoil work wonders on my hair I’ve never stopped using them. I’ve got on so well with hair oil that I’m always looking out for other alternatives to try out to try and find the perfect one…
Now it’s February everyone’s focus has switched from getting fit and being healthy, to all things Valentine’s Day. I find that Valentine’s Day gifts can often get a little samey, with the usual chocolates and flowers still proving to be popular. Although this year I’ve spotted a couple of different gifts, and thought I’d share them with you in case…
Since cutting off my long hair three years ago I’ve desperately been trying to grow it back. Every time I feel like my hair is starting to grow and get to reasonable length, my hairdresser decides I need inches taken off to ‘help it grow’, I feel like I’m fighting a loosing battle. I now haven’t cut…
If you’re a close follower of my blog you may have noticed over the past year that skin care products are being mentioned more and more. A couple of years back I didn’t have a skin care routine, in fact I would hardly even remove my make up (awful, I know). And now I have…