Current Everyday Makeup & FOTD

So this week I started back at uni for my second term of my second year (its scary how quickly uni is going!). And starting back at uni means early mornings and lots and lots of work :(. As I’m a person who chooses sleep over anything, I find myself using the same makeup over and over in the mornings to save time on having to search through my mass collection of makeup. Also because I’m at uni I don’t want any over the top makeup, but a nice natural everyday look.

I’ve been going for a very simple make up look which only takes me 5 minutes to do in the morning! I start off with my 17 BB cream (which I’m loving! I can see why BB creams are so popular!), I find it gives me a great coverage and lasts all day. To contour my face I’ve been using my Bourjois Chocolate Bronzer and then use the Natural Collection Peach Melba Blusher on the apples of my cheeks, just to give me a bit of colour. On my eyes I’ve been using the Bourjois Elastic Mascara and then a bit of MUA pencil eyeliner in Rich Brown on my waterline to define the eyes. And to finish off I’ve been using Rimmel London’s Nude Pink Lipstick on my lips.
I just love how this looks, and it gives me a great natural look for everyday at uni. I thought I’d try and do a little FOTD so you can see how this looks, although excuse the awful photo I’m really not great at taking photographs of myself! I don’t know if you can tell but I’ve been trying to grow out my eyebrows recently, its taken around 2 months but I’m quite happy with how they look now. Their lovely and thick instead of their old ‘thin and barely there’ look.

What do you think?
What’s your favourite everyday makeup?

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