Current Everyday Makeup & FOTD

In the past few years I’ve become a little obsessed when it comes to oils, using them for my skin, hair, body, and even in my baths. They’re becoming part of my regular beauty routines, and I can’t see myself living without them. One of my favourites is The Body Shop’s Shea Beautifying Oil. I…
This year I’m making the most of the bank holiday weekend and getting the chance to go away for a few days to visit my partners parents up north. I’m pretty excited as this is the first Easter weekend in years that I’m not working (stupid working in retail) or have 100’s of uni deadlines…
Hello everyone! I know I’ve been bit bad on the blogging/youtube front lately and I thought I should update you all on a couple of things going on in my life currently. Since coming back to university I’ve been struggling to find the time to blog/make videos. And now with it getting darker so…
I’ve never really been a fan of using sponges in the shower, I’ve always found them to be scratchy and irritating on my skin, and the sponges themselves always seem to go out of shape and grow mouldy. So when I was contacted by The Sponge Market I was a bit hesitant about using their sponges. But I was…
Recently my hair has been in bit of a naff state. Feeling dry, breaking off, and generally looking a bit damaged. I’m always picking up ‘drug store’ treatments for my hair in the hope that it will help, but find it never really gets me anywhere, so decided it was about time that I put some…
If you’ve been following my blog closely over the past few months, you may have noticed many Origins products have been getting a mention recently. After years of struggling with terrible skin I decided to stop trying to find a high street product that will save me, and decided to delve into the world of high…