Glamour Magazine Benefit Freebie
If your a follower of my blog, you’ll have realised by now, I’ve become a recent Lush addict. I just can’t go in there at the moment without buying things! So of course on a recent trip to Lush, I didn’t come out empted handed. I went a bit bath bomb/bubble bar crazy, so I…
Come the sunnier days I don’t like to wear a thick foundation like I normally do, and I want something with a little less coverage, so for a while now I’ve been trying to find the perfect CC Cream. While browsing around in Boots I came across the L’Oreal Paris Nude Magique CC Cream which…
There’s no denying it but every blogger probably owns the real technique brushes. Since these came out in Boots stores last year everyone has gone mental over them. I purchased mine back in July and since I bought them its changed how I do my make up. Once upon a time I used to apply…
Woah when did this year go past so fast? I swear yesterday we were seeing in the new year, and now it’s already 6 months through it! Although May is my favourite month, as it’s my birthday in May! Also I’ve noticed I haven’t done a ‘favourites’ post in about 6 months – crazy. Need…
In the past year or so I’ve actually started to care about my skin. I never used to have much of a routine, it was more of a ‘take off my make up and that’s it’ kind of thing. Then through reading other people’s blogs I learnt more about the importance of skin care and…
I’ve been meaning to do this post for a while now, but oops I’ve been neglecting my little blog lately! I promise I’ll try to get back into it! Also how is it now August?! Is it just me or is 2011 the fastest year yet? So here’s what products I’ve been enjoying in…