Since cutting off my long hair three years ago I’ve desperately been trying to grow it back. Every time I feel like my hair is starting to grow and get to reasonable length, my hairdresser decides I need inches taken off to ‘help it grow’, I feel like I’m fighting a loosing battle. I now haven’t cut my hair in 6 months, hoping that will grow longer without the hairdresser constantly trying to cut it.
My hair the last time I had it cut
The length of my hair now
As you can see its grown quite a lot in the six months I haven’t had it cut, but I feel like its still taking ages to grow. On a few blogs I’ve read about the Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment and thought it was worth a try.
The product is described as ‘treatment for hair that never grows past a certain length’. I’m hoping that this will help speed up my hair growth! I don’t know if this will work, but as it cost me £7.99 I’m hoping it will! It says to use it every week for the best results, so my plan is to use this for a month, and I’ll update you on my results! I’m hoping this will work and my hair will grow back!
Have any of you used this product? Has it worked for you?
Hurrah the sun is finally starting to come out! Gone are the days where I was still having to wear a coat to work, and sleep with a blanket on my bed, and now I’m starting to dig out my summer clothes and spend my afternoons sat in the sunshine. I love summer time, everyone…
I’ve recently become bit of an Origins convert. Since trying out a few of their products I’ve become hooked and can’t wait to get my hands on more. You may have noticed in my latest haul post that I picked up GinZing on bit of a whim. Well I’ve now had a chance to try it…
Ah Seche Vite, something I consider to be the holy grail of top coats. Gone are the hours waiting for my nails to dry, only for them to chip hours later, or get duvet imprints on them. Now thanks to my Seche Vite my nails dry quickly, stay shiny, and are chip resistant. But as…
I’ve been having trouble with my skin and spots ever since I can remember. I seemed to get spots before everyone else in my year at school, and hoped that one day I’d grow out of my terrible skin. But at 21, my skin is still awful. Admittedly I haven’t always looked after my skin,…
I’ve been dying my hair for as long as I can remember. I think at age 11 I managed to convince my mum to let me put a semi-permanent colour on my hair and since then I haven’t stopped. I went through phases of changing my hair colour dramatically until I went bright red and stayed…
Serums are still something relatively new to me when it comes to skin care, I’ve only been using them for the past year. Over the past year I’ve got around to using a couple of different ones and found a couple of favourites that I like to switch around and use. L’Oreal Paris Youth Code…