Nail Varnish: How Many Is Too Many?
If you haven’t guessed by looking at my blog, I’m a bit addicted to nail varnish. I can’t walk past a Boots or Superdrug without going in and coming out with one. And if I’m not buying them off the high street, I’m reading blogs and looking on the internet on which ones to get next. Its come to my attention recently that I have a lot of nail varnish, I mean A LOT. My little box I keep on my side with all my nail varnishes in is now over flowing and I have to find room else where for them. I knew I had a lot of nail varnish, but on counting my collection I found I had 42 nail varnishes! I’m starting to think I have an addiction! Here’s what my collection is made up of:
All of them together! Eeek!

Last Friday Night, Not Like The Movies

Seche Vite – Dry Fast Top Coat, and Base Coat
Models Own – 3 in 1, Purple Mystique, Pure Purple, Purple Grey, Utopia, Pastel Pink, Red Alert, Concrete Mixer, Sterling Silver, Smash Up Silver
Barry M Nail Effects – Black Magic, White Frost, Pink Fizz and Blue Print
Barry M – Navy, Indigo, Cobalt Blue, Blueberry Ice Cream, Mint Green, Vivid Purple, Bright Purple, Berry Ice Cream, Peach Melba, Strawberry Ice Cream, Shocking Pink, Raspberry, Red Black, Mushroom, Dusky Mauve, Grey, Black.
It’s safe to say I now have quite a collection! After working out how many I have, I’ve decided to put myself on a nail varnish ban. From now on I’m not going to buy any more nail varnishes, no matter how hard it will be I won’t wonder into Boots or Superdrug and pick up another nail varnish!