My Current Favourite Scents

Hi Girlies! So until July I only ever used foundation, concealer and powder on my face. No blusher, no bronzer, no highlight. It’s crazy looking back at that time, as now I couldn’t go without a bit more product on my face. Recently I’ve been getting into bronzing and contouring my face, helping to give my face…
It’s been absolutely forever since I’ve done a favourites post, and mainly because I’ve been using the same products over and over again, and I didn’t want to create loads of posts made up of the same products! However September was a different month for me, I’ve found loads of new products that I’ve loved…
I’m absolutely rubbish at Christmas gift ideas for the men in my life, I never know what to get them. Luckily my brother is a fan of Lynx products, and this year they’ve got some great gift sets available. The Lynx Peace Washbag Gift Pack For Him includes a Deodrant Bodyspray, Shower Gel and Natural Look Hair…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] I think the idea behind beauty boxes are amazing. The idea of signing up to service that sends you samples of products you may have never tried or heard of before you buy them is great. So when All About Beauty* gave me the chance to try out one of their new boxes I…
So I’m kinda new to the whole make-up brush scene (Don’t ask me how I’ve ever coped I have no idea!), and purchased my first set of make-up brushes last week. Mr Postman delivered them to me early Tuesday morning, I’ve never been so excited! I got this set of 12 make-up brushes…
Hello Lovely’s! I thought I’d share with you yesterdays FOTD and OOTD. Me and a friend decided to go to the cinema to see Bad Teacher (I rate it ‘Meh’, it wasn’t that great), so I took up the chance to wear my new T-shirt and Jewelery I’d got earlier in the week. Also I’m…