The Sunday Post #26 – Weekend Pamper

I’ve never really been a fan of using sponges in the shower, I’ve always found them to be scratchy and irritating on my skin, and the sponges themselves always seem to go out of shape and grow mouldy. So when I was contacted by The Sponge Market I was a bit hesitant about using their sponges. But I was…
Recently we got an Avon lady again, and this is probably one of the best things to happen in my street for a while. Being a complete cosmetics addict, it’s great to have someone bring me a brochure of lovely products all the time to tempt me ;). On my last Avon order something that really…
Recently on Twitter Bourjois were running a giveaway to win everything mentioned on their A-Z of beauty. I couldn’t believe my luck when I was the lucky one chosen to win all of it! I love Bourjois but I haven’t tried many of their products, I’ve usually stuck to their Healthy Mix Foundation and a…
Over the years I’ve found I’ve accumulated a whole pile of samples. Some are from past beauty boxes, some are from events, and some just seem to turn up from no where. I’m always excited to get a good sample, but often they just end up in my ‘sample box’ and I forget all about them. Lately I…
On a recent trip to my local Primark (I say local but I live 20 miles away from a town..), I discovered that Primark sell make-up now? Yes I might be very slow on this, but as I said I live ages away from a town and I’ve hardly been in Primark recently. I went…
Lately you might have seen on my blog that I’ve had bit of an Origins Haul, and one of the products I decided to treat myself to was the No Puffery Cooling Roll On for puffy eyes. Since I’ve started working full time and staring at a PC screen for 8 hours a day, I’ve found…