My Ten Favourite Summer Nail Polishes

What colours are you wearing this summer?
What colours are you wearing this summer?
I love a good foundation, well who doesn’t? I can’t remember the last time I did my make up without using the stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t cake my face in the stuff, just a light covering around my face. I only use one brand of foundation – Rimmel London. After years of…
I’ve been thinking a lot about moving out lately, and especially how me and my other half have been together a very long time now and want to move on with our lives. We’re currently living with my parents, and to be honest we’re quite happy at the moment, we just don’t have a lot…
I can be a bit boring with my makeup choices, especially during the week while I’m at work and would rather have 5 minutes extra in bed. I try to change up my makeup routine now and then, but find I go back to the same products again and again. Currently I’ve been being a…
As I mentioned in one of my other posts Finding Things You’ve Completely Forgotten About that I’ve found many things lately that I’d completely forgotten about, and left behind when I moved to uni. Another one of these things is Clinique’s Defining Lips Long Last Lipstick Preview Palette (gosh that was a mouthful!). My mumma bought…
I mentioned in one of my latest posts here that my hair had a well needed cut, and I decided that while I was having a change, to give it a new colour as well. Well as you can see from the photo, I’ve taken a bit of a change from my usual bright red hair. After…
For today’s Blog Takeover I have my good friend Bex from Futures talking about a product from Bath and Body Works. I keep hearing great things about them, I must get around to hunting some down! Enjoy today’s post! Hello! I’m Bex and I blog over at Futures – I’ve known Lisa for over two years and I love…