New Hair

001. I’m starting to get used to being back home now – although I still haven’t got around to unpacking or cleaning my room up! I’ve been back at my job, so most of the time I’m working. Although I’m not a massive fan of my job, it’s sort of nice to be back and…
Recently my hair has been in bit of a naff state. Feeling dry, breaking off, and generally looking a bit damaged. I’m always picking up ‘drug store’ treatments for my hair in the hope that it will help, but find it never really gets me anywhere, so decided it was about time that I put some…
I think that dry shampoo is a complete life savior, who ever invited it should be awarded in my opinion. The idea that you can be lazy and not wash your hair and put a couple of sprays of product in and your hair feels clean, genius concept. A favourite dry shampoo of mine is Batiste,…
I’m the sort of person who likes to put sleep as my highest priority, so on days I’ve got work I choose the option to sleep more than spend longer getting ready for work. And as I’ve been working a lot lately I’ve not been wearing a great deal of make up. So I thought…
I don’t usually find myself wearing lipglosses, but lately I’ve got more and more into them. One in particular, Rimmel London Vinyl Gloss in Keep a Secret. I picked this up because I found myself standing in Boots looking at the make-up counters looking for a good lipgloss. I wasn’t having much luck and all…
You may have wondered why not everyone has milky white teeth just like the models that appear on toothpaste commercials. The reason is to be found in people’s individuality, as with eye and skin colour, every individual has a distinct tooth colour. This is the reason some people find it easier to maintain a sparkling…