Ojon Rare Blend Oil
I’m now 91 days into the worst spending ban you’ve probably seen in the history of spending bans. Finally the end is in sight, only another 9 days to go! Keeping up my theme of doing terribly with a spending ban, I have another confession this week. I shopped. Last week I took a day…
My weight has always been somewhat an issue to me. When I was a young teen I put on a lot of weight, then I spent 5 years working at my McJob and went to university where my eating habits just got worse. After years of eating crap and bad habits I finally decided that it was time…
Today is my first day of my new job! I’m crazy excited to start, and because I’ve got a busy day ahead of me, I want my make up to last all day. Because I have no idea what today will bring I want to make sure my make up is simple, and will look…
I’ve posted many times before about my hair, and about the bad condition I find it in. After years of dying it, and using heat on it, there are times where I find split ends, my hair feeling dry, and looking a little worse for wear. I’ve used many hair products over the years to…
It’s now the time of year to start thinking about Christmas presents! Christmas shopping is probably one of my favourite things to do, but trying to work out what to buy everyone can be a huge faff sometimes! This year Vaseline have some lovely Christmas gifts available. The Vaseline Rosy Lip Pouch Gift Pack contains a Vaseline…
So I’m now 35 days into my 100 day spending ban challenge, how am I getting on? To be honest not brilliant. As you might have read from other weeks I’ve failed a few times, and I’ve not really got any savings together. Although I’ve had another good week when it comes to not spending…