Recent Beauty Buys

Today is no normal Thursday, it’s in fact my 24th birthday! I don’t have any major birthday plans today, as I’ll be at work for most of the day. But I’ll be celebrating tonight with my parents, as it’s also their wedding anniversary, so for our special day we’re all going out for dinner. As…
If your a follower of my blog, you’ll have realised by now, I’ve become a recent Lush addict. I just can’t go in there at the moment without buying things! So of course on a recent trip to Lush, I didn’t come out empted handed. I went a bit bath bomb/bubble bar crazy, so I…
I’m absolutely rubbish at Christmas gift ideas for the men in my life, I never know what to get them. Luckily my brother is a fan of Lynx products, and this year they’ve got some great gift sets available. The Lynx Peace Washbag Gift Pack For Him includes a Deodrant Bodyspray, Shower Gel and Natural Look Hair…
When it comes to nail varnish shades I tend to be a bit boring. My collection seems to be full of different shades of grey, browns and beige’s, and other generally unoffensive neutral colours. Despite having already got hundreds of neutral shades I often find myself admiring others, insisting on the fact it is a…
Lately on the blog I’ve been sharing with you my Best of 2013 series including Hair Products, Skin Care, and Body Products. Today I’m sharing with you what my favourite makeup products were in 2013. Being bit of a makeup addict I really thought this would be the longest post of them all, but it…
I’ve never really been a fan of using sponges in the shower, I’ve always found them to be scratchy and irritating on my skin, and the sponges themselves always seem to go out of shape and grow mouldy. So when I was contacted by The Sponge Market I was a bit hesitant about using their sponges. But I was…