Rush Blogger Meet

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It’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a good nail art post, or a NOTD post at all for that matter. After receiving my Rio Nail Art Kit at the #JulyLondonMeetUp I was feeling somewhat inspired. As it’s been an age since I’ve done any form of nail art I decided I wanted to do something simple to start…
So today’s NOTD post is about Barry M Nail Effects. I know this has been around for ages, but I’ve only just got around to getting nail effects in ‘white frost’ in the last couple of weeks. I love the Barry M Nail Effects, I own all four, I just think there amazing. I think…
Every year I love being nosey on everyone’s blogs to see what they got for Christmas, and this year I decided to join in and share what I got so you can be equally as nosey ;). I had a rather lovely Christmas this year as my grandparents that I hardly get to see were…
Having been a makeup addict for years now, you’d think I’d be quite good at it by now right? Well to be honest there are so many parts of makeup application I’m rubbish at, contouring being one of them. For years I’ve been trying to master it, just giving myself dark dirty looking marks on…
I recently saw this post on Jess’s blog, and thought I’d give it a go myself! Jess tagged anyone who was reading so thought I’d try it out, and I too tag anyone who’s reading, so give it ago! Make Up Blusher or Bronzer – I don’t really use either, but I guess blusher…
Hello Lovely’s! I thought I’d share with you yesterdays FOTD and OOTD. Me and a friend decided to go to the cinema to see Bad Teacher (I rate it ‘Meh’, it wasn’t that great), so I took up the chance to wear my new T-shirt and Jewelery I’d got earlier in the week. Also I’m…